Just In: Police Recover Incriminating Items As Gunmen Attack Bullion Van In Anambra

A bullion vehicle was ambushed by gunmen who are believed to be robbers on Thursday night in Ufuma, Orumba South Local Government Area, Anambra State.


According to a source, the gunmen followed the bullion van to the rural town of Ufuma where they opened fire on the truck and security guards riding in it while they were transporting cash to an unspecified location.


“It happened at about 5pm today (Thursday), and there was heavy shooting in the area.


“All the residents of the community fled, while security operatives attached to the bullion van battled the armed robbers. The police was able to stop them from succeeding,” the source said.

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Meanwhile, the State Police command has confirmed the incident.


Spokesperson of the command, DSP Toochukwu Ikenga said the event happened at about 4pm, but the armed men were eventually repelled.


He said: “Operatives attached to the bullion van gallantly repelled the attack. The incident happen at about 4pm in Umunebo junction, Ufuma.


“The Commissioner of police CP Echeng Echeng has since ordered immediate manhunt on the attackers. The operational vehicles belonging to the armed robbers have been recovered.”


He said a Lexus jeep and a highlander jeep belonging to the robbers have been recovered. Other items recovered are: one empty magazine, defaced bullet proof vest, charms and some incriminating items. CONTINUE READING……………………………………

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Akanji Philip

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