VOICE AIR MEDIA Plot: The world needed a hero. It got Black Adam. Nearly 5,000 years after he was bestowed with the almighty powers of the Egyptian gods and imprisoned just as quickly-Black Adam...
The Razz Guy (2021): Movie Review Plot: When an international business merger is assigned to a rude and condescending senior executive, a curse that affects his ability to speak properly is cast on him...
Carter (2022): Movie Review Plot: No memory. One mission. A man wakes up missing his memories. Directed by a mysterious voice from a device in his ear, he sets off on a hostage rescue...
Prey (2022): Movie Review Plot: They hunt to live. It lives to hunt. In the Comanche Nation in 1717, a fierce and highly skilled warrior named Naru learns the prey she is stalking is...
Plot: After his wife’s death professional bodyguard Lung Wei went overseas to find doctors for his daughter, but instead found a new job as a virtual reality tester. Review: According to the plot, Siu-Wong...
The Roundup (2022): Movie Review Plot: The Beast Cop Is Back! Followed by Ma Seok-do, who heads to a foreign country to extradite a suspect. However, he discovers additional murder cases and learns about...
Mr. Malcolm’s List (2022): Movie Review Plot: Seeking true love. Conditionally. When she fails to meet an item on his list of requirements for a bride, Julia Thistlewaite is jilted by London’s most eligible...
Special Delivery (2022) Plot: Deliver anything you want. Eun-ha, who is a normal junkyard employee, secretly works as a delivery clerk that deals with unusual delivery requests. One day, Eun-ha heads to Seoul to...
Incantation (2022) Plot: Six years ago, Li Ronan was cursed after breaking a religious taboo. Now, she must protect her daughter from the consequences of her actions. Review: The 2005 occurrence in Kaohsiung, Taiwan,...
My Village People (2021): Movie Review Plot: “My Village People” is a dark comedy movie that tells relatable African folklore. It follows the tale of a prince, who finds himself in a bizarre love...