Meet Akinyuwa Susan, OAU 2022/2023 Overall Best Graduating Student From Idanre, Ondo state

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With a CGPA of 4.97, Akinyuwa Susan emerged as the Overall best graduating student of the University during the just-concluded Convocation for the 2022/2023 academic session.

In this interview with the correspondent of ACJOAU, she narrates her academic journey and shares her experiences as an undergraduate student at Obafemi Awolowo University.

Please, can you briefly introduce yourself?

My name is Akinyuwa Susan Busola. I’m from Idanre Ondo state Nigeria. I am from the Faculty/department of Pharmacy.

You emerged as the overall best-graduating student in the whole school, how could you achieve that?

Grace is my story and I count this a privilege from God who has counted me worthy and helped me achieve this great feat.

I put God first and with hard work, discipline, determination, focus and resilience God has crowned my efforts.

Did you even see it coming? I mean the best graduating student in your faculty.

I never saw it coming at first, I mean at the beginning of the journey but later I started trusting God for the best and I give Glory to him because I prayed for it and now it’s in my hands.

What inspired you to study Pharmacy and why did you think OAU is the best place to study the course?

My Dad motivated me to study pharmacy, I initially wanted accounting, but because I was good at sciences, I later wanted medicine, but thank God I later chose pharmacy.

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OAU pharmacy teaches us a lot, OAU pharmacy is really broad, much more than pharmacy you are taught discipline, honour, focus and other core values that will help you in life. If you can survive OAU Pharmacy, then you can survive anywhere, although it’s rigorous there.

Was there any special pattern you used in reading, and how did you combine academics with your business?

I think I first pray for guidance before reading, I read materials to detail most times and I read in a way that I’m able to answer any possible questions from the materials, I also read materials more than

Were you consistent with your business?

Yes, I started the business in part 2 and am still running it. At the beginning of the semester when the workload was still less, I did a lot of it but getting close to the exam, I shut it down and then, continued when exams were over.

Were there any low moments for you while in school and how did you overcome them?

Yeah, I had so many low moments but my faith in God and support from loved ones carried me through all those moments.

How did you feel when informed that you were the university’s overall best graduating Student?

It was like a dream really, and it’s still like a dream, but I’m just so grateful to God for the privilege and I know that the lord has chosen to honor me and has surpassed my expectations indeed.

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Were you even expecting it?

I didn’t see it coming at all, I prayed for the best.

Would you say your choice of friends influenced your grades, and how?

Yes, I am super grateful for my friends, we have like minds and all chase success together.

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How many awards did you receive? Can you list them?

1. OAU stars award for the Overall Best Student Faculty of Pharmacy, 2018/2019 & 2021/2022.
2. Overall Best Graduating student, Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi Awolowo University
3. Association of Lady Pharmacists Award for the Overall Best Lady Pharmacist.

What were your most fun moments as an undergraduate?

After exams, movie nights, picnics, hang-out

What advice would you give to students who want to achieve great academic excellence like you?

First I will tell them to hold on to God and seek his face for help and guidance through the journey.

Secondly, success requires hard work and diligence, so they should put their best in whatever they do.

Lastly, I would like to tell them they have all it takes to be successful, so they should always be positive and have the right mindset.

Source: ACJOAU


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