Protest Hits Delta As Police Allegedly Kill Man Over Bribe


A protest has erupted in Asaba, Delta State capital, following the reported killing of a young man [names withheld] allegedly by a policeman for refusing to pay a N100 bribe.

Angry youths, carrying placards, blocked major roads in the State capital as a result of the reported killing.

The angry youths carried the corpse of the young man in protest to the premises of the police headquarters in Asaba.

An eyewitness, who spoke with TNG, disclosed that the young man was killed along the Asaba-Ugbolu road.

VAM reports that protest are currently circulating on social media with the protest simultaneously ongoing along Nnebisi and Okpanam roads, and pockets of unrest at several locations.

Efforts to reach the police public relations officer in Delta, DSP Bright Edafe proved abortive at the time of filing this report.

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