11 Crops To Plant And Harvest Within 3 Months


If you would like to profit from farming but you’re not comfortable with waiting for too long, this article will show you why you don’t have to.

There are several crops you can plant and harvest within 3 months especially for rainy season farming. This means from sowing till they become available for sale, it will only take about 90 days. Farmers and agribusinesses can invest and make millions cultivating multiple times in a year.

These crops afford you to cash out in less time. The risk is lower because the more time crops spend on farmland the more the risk.

These are some of the crops you can harvest within 3 months in Nigeria;

1. Watermelon

Varieties: Sweet Sangria F1, Kaolack, Odyssey F1, Eghali F1, Andaman etc.

Watermelon has an average planting period of 75 days and can grow in all parts in Nigeria. It can weigh upto 9kg with good acceptability in the market. You can plant and harvest watermelon about 3-4 times yearly. You just have to make sure you supply it with adequate water, apply required fertilizers and do proper agronomic practices. The yield for a hectare is about 2 tonnes.

Watermelon Kaolack Seeds

It does better in hot and dry climate – this is the reason it’s mostly cultivated in the Northern part of Nigeria. The beginning and toward the end of the rainy season is best for watermelon. The reason for this is because of the low humidity levels associated with this period.

2. Cucumber

Varieties: Darina F1, Greengo F1, Farmers Pride, Ashley, Monalisa F1 etc.

Cucumber is one fruit that’s highly profitable within 3 months of planting. Some agribusinesses in the southern part of Nigeria often refers to cucumber as the money crop. The reason is because you can make huge profit from it in a short time. In many parts of Nigeria, you will see the Hausas displaying it – the demand is high.

Cucumber Farming

Once you start harvesting depending on the size of your farmland, it could take you up to 2 months to finish harvesting. It has been estimated that one could harvest about 1,500 bags in a hectare depending on variety and management practice adopted. You could cash in about 5 million in a hectare within 5 month because a bag can be sold between N3000-N7,000.

3. Tomatoes

Varieties: Platinum F1, Sahara F1, Cobra 26 F1, Maxim F1, Kilele F1 etc

Tomatoes are one of the favorite food crops of Nigeria’s backyard farming. It’s one profitable agribusiness you can easily venture into without much risk. Tomato fruits are rich in antioxidant, has vitamins A, C etc. To maximize production, you may need to set up irrigation system to maintain an even moisture supply to the crop.

Tomato farming marketing

There are two types of tomatoes – Determinate and Indeterminate tomatoes. You can harvest about 90 tonnes of tomato fruits per hectare. There is no quantity you harvest that’s not needed because it’s consumed by more than 200 million people. It was estimated that more than 60,000 tonnes that worth N11 Billion are processed. Tomatoes alone takes out over N100 billion annually from Nigerians.

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4. Okra

Varieties: Prerana F1, Maha F1, Clemson Spineless, Basanti F1, Leon etc.


Okra is one type of vegetable that’s highly lucrative because many used for soup. It’s not common that you lose money cultivating okra. Reason being that it’s less stressful in managing either commercially or at your garden. It reaches maturity within 40 days. So, you can start harvesting from day 35 after planting with huge returns on Investment. When you plant a seed, you can harvest up to hundred okra seeds. Farmers can sell the seeds, the fresh fruits or dried form. Fresh okra should last for about 4 days then it begin to appear darken, or yellowish before rotting or decay finally sets in.

5. Eggplant

Varieties: Kazinga F1, Kibibi F1, Black Pearl F1, Merdan, Arjani etc.

Eggplant farming is done mainly for two purposes – food and medicinal purposes. The leaves and fruits are consumed so, it highly profitable. People eat raw, cooked and eaten with yam, groundnut etc. It can produce fruits continuously for 4 months with almost 50% on your return in investment. It’s easy to manage and quickly mature. We have various types – the white, purple, green etc. The green types are liver friendly and contain chlorophyll. The purple is a rich antioxidant while the white types are more digestible.

6. Fluted Pumpkin (Ugwu)

Ugwu is a leafy vegetable also used majorly for two reasons – preparation of soups and medicinal herbs in Nigeria. It is common with people from the south eastern part of Nigeria. It’s almost impossible to see the Igbos eat soup without ugwu leaves in it. Other parts of Nigeria, the south western and northern eat fluted pumpkin too.


The leaves are the most lucrative part so staking is highly recommended to keep leaves off the ground because it tend to crawl. You can start harvesting 30 days after planting. Many farmers are tempted to plant ugwu all year but you’d make more money during the dry season. So, note this once the rainy season is over. Get your irrigation equipment ready, it will be cheaper to buy now from farmsquare.ng.

7. Hot Peppers

Varieties: Efia F1, Yellow Habanero, Caribean Red, Piquante Red F1, Lengai RZ F1 etc.

It’s important to point out that pepper generally is usually a perennial crop. You can plant the seeds or seedlings on beds, in containers etc. Just a few stand of hot pepper are enough to feed an average family in Nigeria. It contain vitamins A, B, C and used to treat pains, arthritis, inflammation, cancer etc.


Hot pepper tends to crawl, so staking is one technique you can adopt to avoid fruits and leaves spoilage. When you manage the leaves well, it gives the fruits more room to produce more and harvesting won’t be stressful.

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Growing hot peppers is a good source of income. One can harvest about 40 tonnes per hectare depending on the variety you plant. Never plant hot pepper in the same place year after year. See more on 9 vital tips on pepper farming.

8. Cabbage

Varieties: Cabeza Negra, Gloria Star F1, Nuzuka F1, Conquistador F1, Kifaru f1 etc.


When you’re listing the top 10 vegetable to cultivate, cabbage should be among. The reason is that it’s among the most profitable crops you can cash out huge profit within 100 days. It can grow anywhere in Nigeria. You just have to be mindful of the temperate condition to achieve optimum yield.

Early, mid-season and late-season cabbage takes between 50-70 days, 70-90 days and 90-125 days respectively. You now know that yields depend on the variety. In a hectare, you can get up to 80 tonnes if well managed. Always harvest when the heads are fully firm and matured.

9. Ewedu (Jute leaves)

Ewedu is popular in south western part of Nigeria just as ugwu is among the Igbos, south eastern people. Ewedu is one important leafy vegetables used in the preparation of soup, so the demand is huge. As a farmer, you will start harvesting from 30 days after planting.

Ewedu leaves

Very easy to manage ewedu either at home or commercial level. Many people have suggested using manure and little or no fertilizer to boost this crop. Just like ugwu, farmer make more money during dry season farming of Ewedu. Planting is by the seeds on well-prepared beds. Wealthresult estimated that one acre of Ewedu (Jute leaves) can give you N500,000 in pure profit.

10. Maize

Varieties: SC 510 yellow variety, Dekalb maize, Sugar King F1, Honey King F1 etc.

Maize farming is now cultivated throughout the year because of irrigation system. Ensure your land is properly prepared at the appropriate time to receive viable maize seeds. You are to cultivate recommended varieties for your zone. Use correct spacing when sowing.

maize ready to harvest

Apply fertilizer according to soil test result, follow the recommended agronomic practices and use treated seeds from a certified company. Plan for marketing, processing and storage from the beginning to prevent wastage and maximize profit.

11. Lettuce

Varieties: Great Select CS, Eden Lettuce, Rapido, Marulli etc.


Lettuce is used in salad making. It is fast becoming a common vegetable among Nigerians especially the averagely rich class. As a farmer, you can start harvesting 45 days after planting depending on the variety. Marketing or getting buyers for your lettuce is one important aspect you should figure out before harvest. The reason is because of the short shelf-life of this vegetable – it will help to avoid spoilage. Farmers will have more money if they sell to cities like Lagos, Port Harcourt, Kano, Abuja, Ibadan, Kaduna etc.

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