Osun Govt Raises Alarm Over Alleged Plot To Murder Governor Adeleke

Voice Air Media, VAM News Update

Osun State Government has urged President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the Inspector General of Police and other stakeholders in Nigeria to urgently summon a former PDP stalwart in Osun State, Alhaji Shuaibu Oyedokun for questioning over his recent incendiary comments on the person and personality of the Governor of Osun State, Senator Dr Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke and the entire Adeleke family of Ede, Osun State.

In a statement issued in Osogbo, the Osun State capital, by the Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment,
Oluomo Kolapo Alimi, Government viewed with gross concern and outright dismay, the careless and unguarded utterances made by Alh. Shuaib Oyedokun wherein, he,(Alh Oyedokun) advised Governor Adeleke not to ,by any means, contest for a second term Governorship bid in Osun State, if he doesn’t want an act of murder to be carried out and be hanged on the Governor and the highly respected Adeleke family of Ede where the Governor hails from.

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During a live Yoruba radio programme on Rave F.M, Osogbo, tagged Oro Oselu, on Monday, the 20th of May, 2024,Alhaji Oyedokun threw cautions to the wind in many of his politically uncultured and morally unguarded remarks while on the programme.

The Osun State Government viewed such comments as not only inciting but the highest form of desperation from Oyedokun and the entire Osun APC he defected to recently.

Against the backdrop of further interpreting his utterances throughout the duration of the Yoruba programme as a dangerous security development in Osun State, the press statement by Oluomo Alimi call for an immediate summon and eventual questioning of Oyedokun, by the law enforcement agencies to explain why the right of Governor Adeleke to contest for a second term should warrant shedding of innocent blood and hanging it on the neck of the Governor and his family.

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The security agencies need to unravel what plots or scheming bordering on criminality Pa Oyedokun is privy to or hatching alone or in partnership with his new party. This is necessary to forestall maturing of a hideous agenda capable of plunging Osun into crisis ahead of 2026 polls, the statement further reiterated.

Alimis Press statement reads in part as follows:

“As a Government, we view Alhaji Shuaib Oyedokun’s utterances throughout the duration of the Oro Oselu radio programme of Monday, 20th of May,2024 as totally incongruous, callous, dirty, unwarranted and nauseating to say the least.

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“Alhaji Shuaib Oyedokun’s comments,were not just within the boundaries of exercising his fundamental human rights of freedom of speech, they are at best morally awkward, debasing and a threat cum invitation for mayhem.

“Conclusively, as a Government, we are of the view that,whatever happens, bordering on the security of lives and property of the people of Osun State, before, during and after the coming Governorship election or any other election in our dear state, the likes of Oyedokun and APC members should be held accountable.”

Bright Olorungbotemi

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