Ghanaian public universities begin strike


Workers, including teachers in 15 Ghanaian public universities, on Monday declared a strike over their allowance disputes with the government.

Four labour unions of public universities said in a statement that the decision followed the variation of their conditions of service by the government.

According to them, their leadership has made several efforts to get the government to address issues related to their fuel, vehicle maintenance, and off-campus allowances since April.

They said this was due to the harsh economic conditions and surging inflation, but their demands were not fully satisfied.

Following a meeting between the unions and the government last week, the latter unilaterally decided to pay only the off-campus allowance, leaving the other allowances untouched.

The workers said the government was not meeting their side of the bargain to end the strike that will see over 250,000 university students affected. (Xinhua/NAN)

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