HIGH Chief Bamidele Onifade Celebrates Muslims Ummah On Eid El Kabir, Preaches Moderation, Love And Peace

Voice Air Media, News Update

ELEMO-AGA and Oluomo of Ikirunland, High Chief Bamidele Marauf Onifade, has felicitated with all Muslims in Ikirun, Osun State and Nigeria both home and diaspora on the occasion of Eid El Kabir.

In a statement made available to Newsmen on Sunday, Chief Onifade who cherished the once in a year celebration in memory of the sacrifice made by Ibrahim to offer his only son, Isiaq as a sacrifice before the supernatural intervention of Allah (SWT) who replaced Isiaq with a ram to which the Muslims the world over celebrate till this day.

The CEO of BOONBAC seized the occasion to urge all Muslims and non Muslims alike to embrace truth that will guide his family and friends “through trials and triumphs in life.”

The renowned philanthropist urged all Muslims to embrace love and to live within their means in moderation.

“Today, as we gathered around the world to Celebrate Eid El Kabir, I want to use this opportunity to send this message to you my families and friends out there, about an essential truth one that will guide us through the trials and triumphs of life. It’s a truth that centers on living within our means, embracing our unique strengths, and finding joy in our journey.

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As many compete on the sizes of the Ram they purchase , and the expensive clothes they wear today.

Remember, it’s easy to get caught up in the race of measuring ourselves against others, to covet what they have, and to push ourselves beyond our limits in pursuit of more. But let me tell you, there is no honor in running with another man’s strength. There is no wisdom in trying to outpace someone else on their path while neglecting your own.

Living within your means is not just about financial prudence. It’s about recognizing your own capacity, understanding your limitations, and making the most out of what you have. It’s about being content with yourself and your journey, knowing that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. When you live within your means, you create a life that is sustainable, one that is rich with peace and free from the burdens of unnecessary stress.

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Do what’s within your strength. Each of us is endowed with unique talents and abilities. We all have something special to contribute to this world.
Embrace your strengths and focus on what you can do best. In doing so, you not only find fulfillment but also carve a path that is truly yours. Don’t waste energy trying to be someone you’re not or pursuing goals that don’t resonate with your heart. Trust in your abilities and let them guide you.

Let us not forget, never try to satisfy others at the expense of your own happiness. The opinions of others can be loud and persuasive, but they should never drown out your inner voice. True happiness comes from within. It’s about knowing yourself, understanding your desires, and pursuing what brings you joy. Live for yourself, not for the approval of others.

As we celebrate Eid el Kabir today 16 June 2024, remember to make yourself happy. Life is too short to be lived for others. Fill your days with what you love, what excites you, and what brings a smile to your face. Prioritize your happiness and let it be the compass that guides your decisions.

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And above all, have fun. Life is a grand adventure meant to be enjoyed. Embrace the moments of laughter, cherish the times of joy, and find humor even in the challenges. When we approach life with a spirit of fun, we make the journey not just bearable, but beautiful.

So, my friends and Families, let us live within our means, run with our own strength, and seek our own happiness. Let us be true to ourselves and find joy in every step we take. This is our journey, our life, and it’s meant to be lived to the fullest.

On this blessed occasion of Eid el Kabir, may your heart and home be filled with joy, peace, and prosperity. May the spirit of sacrifice and devotion bring you closer to your loved ones and to Allah. Wishing you a joyful and blessed Eid Mubarak, Aseyi Samodun”

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