Happy As Nigerian Pastor Stops Members From Paying Tithes And Offering, Gives Reason

Voice Air Media, VAM News Update

Church members rejoiced as their pastor announced a ban on tithes and offerings. A video from the church service where the pastor made the declaration was shared on Facebook by Mienpamo Onitsha Saint.

Pastor said Holy Spirit directed him

In the clip, the pastor first challenged people who can give N5k or N2k to come forward and afterwards directed them to give the money to their family members or neighbours going through hardship.

In his words: “…This is not the time to tell you to bring offering, bring tithes, bring anything. When we are done praying, you can go home “Even if you have, I want to believe there are people in the house where you live that do not have anything to eat…” Next, he spoke on the issue of tithes and offerings and put a ban on it, citing the Holy Spirit’s directive and the economic situation in the country.

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He said: “And Holy Spirit asked me to tell you this is not the time for us. Until this trouble of money, money money, not seeing money, not seeing money is over, forget about offering and tithes in this church. “Go and manage the little you have.”

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