Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate: $1 (USD) to #1 (NGN), Tuesday


THE exchange rate of the US dollar to the Nigerian naira is one of the most important economic indicators in Nigeria, as it affects the prices of goods and services, the value of savings and investments, and the inflows and outflows of foreign currency.

What is the current exchange rate?

The current exchange rate of the US dollar to the Nigerian naira varies depending on the segment of the market and the date of the transaction.

As of today, February 27, 2024, the CBN official rates are:

Buying: ₦1,488.396
Selling: ₦1,489.396.

The black market, also known as parallel market, the dollar to naira exchange rate is as follows:
Buying rate: ₦1,690.00 per US dollar
Selling rate: ₦1,750.00 per US dollar.

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