Tanzania President revokes $445,000 independent day celebration, channel fund for school construction

The government of Tanzania has decided to cancel the country’s annual Independence Day celebration scheduled to take place on Friday, December 9.

Aljazeera reports that the country’s 61st Independence Day celebration was budgeted to cost $445,000 for an event that would probably last a few hours.

However, in a swift decision, Tanzanian president, Samia Hassan, canceled the event stating that the earmarked funds could be used for something more meaningful.

Hassan directed that the money be channeled toward building eight dormitories for children with special needs in primary schools across the country.

According to the president, the unnecessary extravagance of the celebrations informed her decision to use the allocated budget to handle a more urgent project.

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A statement by Tanzania’s minister of state, George Simbachawene, said that the money as directed by the president has already been disbursed.

His words:

“The debates and conferences will be preceded by various schedules for regional and district leaders to carry out social activities in different areas including cleaning hospitals, schools, elderly homes, and groups with special needs.”

Simbachawene also noted that the funds so far released will be channeled to the schools through the president’s office – regional administration and local government (PO-RALG)

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