DOWOB 2021: The Power Of Mindset – How Your Thought Can Determine Your Worth



This content you are about to read was extracted from DOWOB 2021 Event
Topic for the Day 2: The Power Of Mindset
Speaker: Lanre Omojowo (Founder Covenant Drama Ministry).



The lecture goes this:
The man that thinks as a poor man will definitely end as a poor man
Poverty is not when you don’t have money but when your heart is devoid of correct ideas
Let me ask you, how do you think?



Proverbs 23v7a
As he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
Can you see from the word of God.




You are a product of your thought
Excuse me, your background is not an excuse for you not to make it in life rather it’s your thought that should be checked.



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Let me quickly talk about what normally frame our mindset
Pls kindly note this, the gateway to our heart is our eye and ear
What you feed your eye and ear on will determine how your mindset will be framed.



I keep telling youths that the reason why we have increase in immorality is because of the content (movies) that our youths and teenager watches
A man that’s is always feeding himself with nude pictures of ladies.



Kindly imagine what will be the content in his heart.
What do you feed you heart on?



What do you normally give your ear time to daily?
Who are on your friend’s list?
Let me quickly talk about TYPES OF HEART



I kings 4v29.
Try and meditate on this.
This is one of the secret of Solomon
The Lord gave him a large heart. And with this he could solve any solution.



He had the correct mindset of a king. Hence, he could always take the right decision per time
A small heart is shallow and does not see ahead.
If you want to carry a correct mindset, kindly feed your heart on correct content.
You are a solution to this world only if you carry a large heart.

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